TEDS Proceedings

New paradigm of being global, digital and creative
Leisure event situation during the COVID-19 crisis period
Biruta Svagzdiene, Arturas Simanavicius, Edmundas Jasinskas, Vilius Vasilius
Abstract. We are in the midst of an historic event COVID-19 that will change many aspects of our world. There will be major impacts on the global economy, geopolitics and our societies. It is clear that these global impacts and risks are highly interdependent and are changing the current and future global risk landscape

Keywords: Covid-19, leisure, organization of events, crisis.
DOI: 10.17747/TEDS-2020-4-7

Design thinking is a methodology for creating innovations and developing human creativity
Elena V. Vasilieva
Abstract. Not so long ago, human resources were perceived as the main participant in business processes and as an integral part of the company's organizational capital. However, automation and the introduction of industrial technologies 4.0 replace people with programs, robots, chatbots, etc. But this does not mean that in the new era, human functions in the process will be reduced to a minimum. Goals focused on the implementation of new business tasks in the face of constant changes will require a person to work in a team, effectively use their competencies, be focused and successful, think outside the box and find original solutions, actively use the accumulated individual and collective intellectual capital. This will make the application of various techniques of the design thinking methodology an integral part of human activity in the company. The author gives an overview of the tools and techniques of design thinking, shows the features of their application. Highlights the specifics of organizing collective creative work and maintaining an atmosphere of trust and creativity. Provides a list of popular digital services for organizing teamwork. The development of the design thinking approach was achieved through the new methodology - Platform Innovation Kit, which is used for designing an ecosystem platform. Platform design canvases help startups and corporations launch and scale businesses on digital platforms.

Keywords: management; breakthrough innovations; soft skills; design thinking; creativity; Platform Innovation Kit
DOI: 10.17747/TEDS-2020-8-11

Creating Ecosystem Value Proposition Based on Selling Solutions in the Digital Economy
Anton B. Georgievsky
Abstract. The development of digital technologies and the ongoing coronavirus pandemic contribute to expanding the company's opportunities to provide a complete value proposition to the client. The purpose of this article is to determine groups of components of the value proposition based on selling solutions in the ecosystem and identify strategies that allow creating such a value proposition in the digital economy. The research method is based on the analysis of academic and consulting literature. As a result of the research, groups of components of the value proposition based on selling solutions in the ecosystem were formed, and strategies for the formation of the value proposition were identified. These results will help researchers build new models of the value proposition, and entrepreneurs form value propositions that fully satisfy customer needs.

Keywords: ecosystem; value proposition; components; strategies; coronavirus pandemic; consumer trends; solutions; selling solutions; digitalization; digital economy; ecosystem value proposition; customer needs
DOI: 10.17747/TEDS-2020-12-16

Artificial Intelligence for University Marketing
Irina V. Alyoshina
Abstract. Artificial intelligence (AI) is embedded in digital marketing technologies and so facilitates the development of university marketing management. The article discusses digital globalization trends and factors influential for AI deployment in higher education.

Keywords: artificial intelligence; higher education; digital globalization; marketing; digitalization; platformization

DOI: 10.17747/TEDS-2020-17-21

The model of the BRICS' shared interest rate to circulate a digital currency
Mikhail V. Zharikov
Abstract. The purpose is to offer an approach to introducing a market interest rate to circulate a digital currency in the BRICS. The topic is time-relevant, since economics today faces difficult challenges posed by questions about price stability, future growth and money market equilibrium. A digital currency is a special issue today due to the outbreak of covid-19, which made many central banks think about contactless means of payment. The author revealed policy tools to circulate a hypothetical digital currency in the BRICS, needed for the pentalateral use. The theoretical significance is to lay the foundation for a model that can be used to set up a virtual regional money market for the BRICS. In practical terms the article recommends a set of policy decisions to overcome the coronavirus crisis of 2020

Keywords: BRICS; digital currency; virtual money market; shared interest rate; liberal and gradualist approaches; credit surplus; digital money revenue

DOI: 10.17747/TEDS-2020-22-27

Transformation of consumer behavior in the industrial market in the context of digitalization
Svetlana V. Karpova, Olga E. Ustinova
Abstract. Intense competition in industrial markets leads to constant changes in consumer behavior. Difficult pricing negotiations and abuse of power make it difficult for participants to interact in sales management. Taking these facts into account, it should be noted that for the sales manager, price becomes an indicator of success in the end result of negotiations. At the same time, surveys of heads of sales departments in the industrial sector show that, among other important elements of negotiations, are the duration of the business relationship, the reputation of the supplier. Despite these tendencies, questions remain about other factors that can consciously or unconsciously influence the negotiation situation, both in a positive and negative direction. The research results were carried out in accordance with the order of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation of March 20, 2020 No. 0564 / o "On the organization of the implementation of the second stage of fundamental research works carried out within the framework of the state assignment in 2020." on the topic "Theory of consumer behavior in the modern economy"

Keywords: marketing technologies, procurement, industrial market, consumer behavior, online commerce, formalized interviews, innovative products

DOI: 10.17747/TEDS-2020-28-32

Determining The Degree Of Cultural Distance In Diversity Management
Natalia Lvovna Smith, Anton Vladimirovich Antonov
Abstract. In the process of transforming the priority of material and technical values to the paradigm of flexible thinking, communicative interaction becomes a new value, which is a vital competence in the integrative multicultural reality of the global world, where cultural diversity is recognized as a key value. Diversity management is now dominant in organizational management, the ability to focus on organizing behavior based on the interaction of all parties in an environment where many cultures are intertwined. The multidimensionality of the multicultural environment poses a challenge in determining the degree of cultural distance in an organization. This allows us to understand the similarities and differences between the host culture and the culture of foreign visitors and students, and to identify gaps and barriers to intercultural interaction and adaptation tools. It also calls for the formation of all actors in the educational process of the necessary knowledge and skills that contribute to their adequate orientation in belonging to their own culture and awareness of the influence of their value dominants in practical situations of intercultural communication. Thus, in organizational management, host Russian universities face the challenge of recognizing their own cultural paradigm and thinking

Keywords: diversity management, soft skills, cultural intelligence, communicative competence, paradigm of thinking, intercultural interaction, cultural adaptation

DOI: 10.17747/TEDS-2020-33-35

A strategic framework for a leisure services business model in the sharing economy
Biruta Svagzdiene, Edmundas Jasinskas, Arturas Simanavicius
Abstract. The sharing economy is an attractive alternative for consumers due to its economic benefits (low costs), which was seen as an important practice after the global economic crisis the growing business model presents opportunities and challenges for leisure and hospitality businesses and tourist destinations

Keywords: framewirk; leisure, business; economy; consumer

DOI: 10.17747/TEDS-2020-36-39

Digital Economy & е-Business
Evaluation of mGovernment service quality from prospective of reliability
Abdulla Jaafar Desmal, Mohd Khalit Bin Othman, Suraya Binti Hamid
Abstract. Measuring online service quality is one of the critical at organizations. Due to the lack of exhaustive service quality framework for mobile government services, it creates difficulties for the service providers to evaluate the service delivered to end-users. Mobile government services is a unique online service portal that needs a compatible quality framework that constructed with consideration of each of the particular features of mobility. Therefore, the present study aims to analyses a single service quality dimension of mobile government which is "reliability". Using a systematic literature review, the authors were able to find the relevant attributes belonging to the service quality dimension of "reliability" and compatible with the unique features of mGovernment service portal. The finding are five attributes which are timeliness, accuracy, error-free, service promise, and confidentiality

Keywords: reliability, system reliability, mobile government, online service quality, e-service quality, mobile services.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17747/TEDS-2019-5-14

The Sales funnel in Unit-economy indicators as an effective tool of Technological Entrepreneurship
Elena V. Vasilieva
Abstract. An entrepreneur who is looking for the best strategy to promote their products and services in the digital markets should understand that Internet entrepreneurship, like any kind of activity, is subject to certain laws of management, Economics, marketing, requires a thorough analysis of competitiveness, the study of performance metrics and conduct a deep behavioral analysis. The study of the characteristic levels of the sales funnel, and the main strategies for the management of the product funnel, the technique of design and analysis of grocery funnel using metrics, Unit Economics, as a new method of economic modeling to assess profitability on the basis of one business unit. Highlighted features of the strategy development funnel selling by the method of Critical Chain Management and Theory of Constraints. A method of finding bottlenecks in the sales funnel is proposed, which consists in a consistent assessment of the impact on the profit of each of its five basic metrics, for each of which there are development tools that allow you to find points of rapid profit growth.

Keywords: strategy; management; product management; Internet technologies; Digital markets; Design thinking.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17747/TEDS-2019-15-19
Technological systems in economy: problem statement and fundamentals
Svetlana V. Orekhova, Marina V. Evseeva
Abstract. The study aims to develop and substantiate a single approach to examining a new unit (subject) of analysis, i.e. multisided platforms. The authors address the phenomenon of technological systems due to dominant trends and dramatic shifts in economy. Firstly, the complexity and the scale of modern technologies result in a number of restrictions (including resource constraints) on their development and application by certain companies. This fact causes the changes in business models of companies and their integration into platforms and other network structures. Secondly, the value of the latest technologies emerges in the context of network interaction. Thus, a network structure is a carrier of technologies. There is also a reverse process unfolding – networks are becoming increasingly widespread due to the global development of digital technologies. On the one hand, this entails the emergence of distributed industries and innovation centers, and on the other hand, this blurs the boundaries of traditional markets and industries. Interactive participation of customers in the product development and production is a key distinguishing feature of digital interaction. Thirdly, under globalization, several companies located in different countries can participate in the creation of the end product. This trend poses the question of the manufacturability of national economies, rather than that of local industries (activities). All these tendencies underlie the changes in the principles of the functioning of the market, which, in turn, transforms the previous ideas about the subjects of analysis, their management and effective organization. We suppose that the main drivers (actors) of economic growth are not individual companies and industries, but cross-company and cross-industry collaboration based on a single technical standard (group of standards). The necessity of searching effective stimuli and mechanisms for scientific and technological development makes the analysis of the nature of technological systems increasingly relevant.

Keywords: technological system; ecosystem; platform; network structure.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17747/TEDS-2019-20-25
Cryptocurrency: Regulatory Challenges, Entrepreneurship and Innovation impact
Alexandra M. Pogosyan
Abstract. It can be argued that cryptocurrencies are based on blockchain technology and have a wide range of advantages for customers. It has become a way of sharing value, investing or even earning money. Unfortunately, cryptocurrency is currently used for money laundering and financing terrorism. Governments of many countries are faced with the range of issues that need to be resolved, such as determining the essence of cryptocurrency, tracking operations and activities of cryptocurrency exchanges, taxation and many others. Moreover, there is a variety of challenges for the market, cryptocurrencies volatility in particular, which is necessary to consider.

Keywords: cryptocurrencies, cryptocurrency features, cryptocurrency exchanges, volatility, stablecoin, regulation.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17747/TEDS-2019-36-40
Sustainable Development and Entrepreneurship
The Concept of Intellectual Capital Management in the Conditions of Digitization of the Economy
Niyaz M. Abdikeev, Olga V. Loseva, Marina V. Melnichuk
Abstract. The transition of the Russian economy to a path of innovative development and deployment of new technologies and intellectual tools means, in particular, a change in the system of factors of economic growth and their role. Under these conditions, intelligence and knowledge, new technologies, organizational potential and human resources become the major driver. As a result, during the transition of the economy to the sixth technological order, issues of development trends and improvement of intellectual capital become highly relevant. The paper discusses conceptual approaches to the principles of intellectual capital (IC) management, proposes innovative management strategies, analyzes problems that complicate the process of managing intellectual assets, and provides methodological recommendations for obtaining operational analytical information on the effectiveness of the processes of creating and using intellectual capital.

Keywords: intellectual capital; intellectual capital management; digitalization of society; sixth technological order
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17747/TEDS-2019-42-48
The impact of digitalization on the social entrepreneurship development
N Popov, E.V., Veretennikova A.Y., Kozinskaya K.M.
Abstract. The development of social entrepreneurship depends on many factors, such as the institutional environment, which includes the protection of property rights, strong support for structural changes, an effective education system, and also social security. However, technological changes are one of the important components of the economic development of society. Information processing systems and digital-related activities, but they are now invading almost every single aspect of the business. The study aim is to model the impact of the institutional environment digitalization on social entrepreneurship development in Europe countries. For the goal achievement, a regression analysis was carried out, factors affecting social entrepreneurship were identified, and a one-factor nonlinear model demonstrating revealed patterns was constructed. The information base of the study was the international reports GEM, EIDES. The authors of the study constructed a nonlinear one-factor model demonstrating the impact of physical infrastructure digitalization on social entrepreneurship at the operational phase of development. The significance of the results obtained lies in the possibility of using the identified patterns for social entrepreneurship development

Keywords: Social entrepreneurship, digitalization, Institutional environment
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17747/TEDS-2019-49-53
Indicators of Long-term Sustainability and Development of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Russia
Liudmila V. Gantseva
Abstract. Small and medium-sized business plays an important role in the economy of any country. It is involved in the creation of jobs and production of goods & services that make our life more comfortable (for example, the sector of trade) [1]. The role of medium-sized business is more significant - in creating innovative growth due to the larger scale of production and its representation in areas of an innovative nature (for example, information technology). Small and medium-sized enterprises (hereinafter referred to as SMEs), due to its mobility, can play the role of a growth driver in an unstable economic situation. That is why it is so important to maintain the sustainability of SMEs, ensuring not only their quantitative growth, but also contributing to their sustainable quality development.

Keywords: entrepreneurship; small and medium-sized enterprises; quality development; sustainability; Strategy; target indicators.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17747/TEDS-2019-54-60
The use of neurotechnology in marketing
Svetlana V. Karpova, Olga E. Ustinova
Abstract. In the current conditions of digitalization of the economy in marketing research, there is a steady interest in studying technologies aimed at promoting the brand, goods and services that are used by manufacturing companies and advertisers. Given the rapid pace of change affecting almost all areas of consumer activity, there is a need to analyze the use of modern marketing technologies. In this paper, we study the influence of neurolinguistic and neuromarketing technologies on consumer behavior.
The results of research work carried out in accordance with the order of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation dated 05.06.2019 No. 1115/0 "Assessment of the impact of neurolinguistic manipulations on consumer behavior in the conditions of digital transformation of society" are presented.

Keywords: marketing technology; advertising; neurolinguistic programming; neuromarketing
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17747/TEDS-2019-61-66
AI and Machine Learning Business Applications
Artificial Intelligence in an Age of Digital Globalization
Irina V. Alyoshina
Abstract. Artificial intelligence (AI) is regarded as the key element of digital globalization and of Globalization 4.0. Social consequences of AI advancement and their meaning for Russia's education digital transformation are revealed

artificial intelligence; digital globalization; Globalization 4,0; digitization; digital platformization; higher education.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17747/TEDS-2019-26-30
Digital Transformation Routes, Data Mining Methods as a Preliminary Stage of Predictive Analytics in
Corporate Finance
Alla A. Nikonova, Elena V. Krasil'nikova
Abstract. Authors focus on several areas of digital transformation. In particular, the possibility of applying predictive analytics in corporate finance is the key area for this paper. We have built probability models, which forecast a company moving along a life cycle curve. Also, these models are able to predict instability during company's' life cycle. The models are based on logistic regression, which is one of the key algorithms of data mining. Relying on our own survey conducted at a microelectronics plant, the lack of digital elements in the estimation of investment projects has been found. The hypothesis about the transformation of corporate relations has been formulated. In the future, this hypothesis may help to modify the theory of digital entrepreneurship.

digital, predictive analytics, data mining in corporate finance, enterprises development.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17747/TEDS-2019-31-35
Wireless & IoT Technologies
Effective Precoding Technique for Multiuser MIMO Systems
Taoufik Ben Rejeb
Abstract. Using of quantized channel state information on transmitter (CSIT) side for adaptive signal processing on base station (BS) side also called as precoding provides to reduce feedback channel bandwidth in comparison with full CSIT. There are many solutions for feedback channel quantization but the aim of this paper is to note the performance of Grassmannian manifold for codebook design.

Keywords: Multiuser MIMO, MU-MIMO, CLTD-OSIC precoding, Grassmann manifold, quantizaion codebook.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17747/TEDS-2018-44-46
Filtration of Linear Recurrent Sequences with Random Delay and Random Initial Phase
M.G. Bakulin, V.B. Kreyndelin, D.Yu. Pankratov
Abstract. Radio communication systems, especially mobile communication systems, are improving very fast towards 5G systems. As the requirements for radio communication systems increase the requirements for synchronization also increase. Linear recurrent sequences are widely used in radio communications systems and in this paper filtration algorithm for such sequences are considered. The results of computer simulation of the algorithms for various signal-to-noise ratios and accumulation time are presented. The synthesized algorithms can be classified as quasi-noncoherent (subincoherent) algorithms, as opposed to noncoherent algorithms that use averaging over the entire region of phase uncertainty, or from coherent, which use the exact phase of the received signal.

Keywords: radio communication systems, filtration algorithms, Markov chains, linear recurrent sequences, synchronization algorithms, quasi-noncoherent algorithms, noncoherent algorithms, quasi-coherent algorithms, coherent algorithms.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17747/TEDS-2018-47-52
Digital Filters' Quality Improvement Technique with Given Frequency Response Requirements
V.B. Kreyndelin, E.D. Grigorieva
Abstract. A method of the synthesis of digital filters based on transformation of complex response function of the analog filter prototype by replacement of a complex variable p by a complex variable z is considered. This method allows to synthesize digital IIR-filters with given requirements to frequency response that increases communication systems performance.

Keywords: bilinear transformation method, synthesis of filters with infinite impulse response, the pre-emphasis of the frequency scale, extended bilinear transformation, precision filters.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17747/TEDS-2018-53-56
Timing Quality for New Generation Networks
S.V. Melnik, N.I. Smirnov
Abstract. New generation networks deployment has one of the perspective directions the concept of the Internet of Everything (IoE) [3]. Rendering services in the IoE networks require providing a stable time scale with an accuracy of definition not less than 1 ms, and at operation of applications of the tactile Internet not less than 1 microsec. As in the current legislation are absent obligatory requirements to the accuracy of definition of time in the IoE networks, the mechanism of additional certification is required. Additional certification of production and services is the mechanism for check of correctness of the made decisions and current state of projects on production of new hi-tech production and services. Existence of the certificate of Digital Innovations system can be criterion of providing a level of quality and necessary amount of works by results of the project.

Keywords: digital economy, certification, type approval.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17747/TEDS-2018-57-60
Linear Iterative Demodulation Algorithm for MIMO Systems with Large Number of Antennas
D.Yu. Pankratov, A.G. Stepanova
Abstract. The use of Massive MIMO technology (i.e. MIMO technology with large number of antennas) is planned in 5G networks for significant capacity increasing. However, on the way to practical application of Massive MIMO technology in 5G systems, there are many problems, in particular, problems of digital signal processing algorithms synthesis on the receiving side, therefore, the developing task of demodulation algorithms with good quality characteristics and low computational complexity is very important.
In this paper we discuss linear demodulation algorithms for MIMO systems: Zero-Forcing (ZF) algorithm, minimum mean square error (MMSE) algorithm and Chebyshev iterative algorithms. For these algorithms BER performance characteristics are obtained.

Keywords: 5G, Massive MIMO, demodulation algorithms, Chebyshev iterative algorithms, BER performance.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17747/TEDS-2018-61-64
Analytical Method of Forming the Equivalent Virtual MIMO Channel Matrix for Space-Time Codes of High Dimensions
Andrey Reznev
Abstract. This work provides the analytical method for Equivalent Virtual Channel Matrix (EVCM) synthesis. The approach of Equivalent Virtual Channel Matrix might be applied for any type of STC to convert it into BLAST STC structure. The work demonstrates that manual methods are not applicable for large scale STC structures due to overladen manual derivation. Decomposition of STC codes matrices into multiplication product of channel part and symbols allows picking the symbol vector as the separate part of model equation. Linear transformation converts the multiplication product into BLAST type system with new channel matrix. This virtual channel matrix equation is the analytical equation for EVCM.

Keywords: MIMO, BLAST, EVCM, Equivalent Virtual Channel Matrix, Space Time Coding, Golden code, STC.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17747/TEDS-2018-65-67
New Algorithms for Processing Signals at the Receiver Side for Wireless Communication Systems with Massive MIMO Technology
Aleksey E. Smirnov
Abstract. Multiple-Input Multiple-Output systems (MIMO) have been a trending direction of research in the past few years. MIMO technology offers increased throughput compared to single-antenna systems. Extension of MIMO systems is a large-scale MIMO (or massive MIMO) that use antenna arrays with a few hundred antennas. Therefore, the number of operations required for computation of the estimate of the vector of transmitted symbols is increasing with the increased number of antenna arrays. The Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE) detection technique is the basic one for MIMO systems due to low computational expenses as compared with the Maximum Likelihood (ML) method and a higher resistance to noise as compared to Zero Forcing (ZF) technique. Unfortunately, MMSE demodulation technique cannot be realized for massive MIMO systems due to high level of computational expenses.
The paper provides us description of new low-complexity as compared to MMSE iterative demodulation technique for massive MIMO systems. To compare a resistance to noise of new iteration demodulation technique with MMSE technique it is developed a simulation model.

Keywords: MIMO, detection, computational complexity, Neumann series, iterative detector.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17747/TEDS-2018-68-71
СyberSecurity Concept For New Generation Telecommunication Networks
Nikolay Ulpe, Sergey Melnik
Abstract. The article describes the main perspective directions of development of Worldwide network. Potentially number of connections to the Internet will increase to 70 trillion by 2025, reconstruction and modernization of modern communication networks and new approach to ensuring information security. Information security becomes a cornerstone of creation of communication networks of future generations and how data and communication networks will be protected safety of Society and State will depend. If today objects, potentially vulnerable from the Internet, are computers and the maximum harm which hacker attack can cause is a temporary suspension of work of automated control systems and access to information, any element of Digital economy can become object of attack in networks of the Industrial Internet of things. It is necessary for prevention of potential threats: to classify these threats; to have the uniform formal description of threats and the warning and correcting influence; to have the uniform concept of the organization of information security. This article brings up questions which creation of the uniform concept of information security of Russia with the purpose to minimize potential danger of harmful impact on significant objects of protection has to form the basis and to exclude possibility of network attacks to critical objects.

Keywords: Internet, Security, IoT, IIoE, IoE, 5G, Modeling, Timing.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17747/TEDS-2018-72-75
Experimental Study of Wireless Music And Speech Communication with the Use of Technology of Single-Wire Lines
Valery V. Frisk
Abstract. The paper presents the results of experimental studies on the wireless transmission of music and speech using the technology of single-wire lines. The ability to transmit energy, speech and music over a single-wire line allows this technology to be used to create a wireless transmission line.

Keywords: single-wire transmission line, wireless transmission line, step-up transformer, a step-down transformer, eddy current, mobile phone, microphone.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17747/TEDS-2018-76-77
Distributed Registry Technologies and Information Protection in State & Financial Sector
Security of Wireless onboard Sensor Network
Andrey N. Petukhov, Pavel L. Pilyugin, Dmitry A. Ovcharenko
Abstract. The paper discusses the construction of a secure sensor network on board a modern civil aircraft using wireless communication technologies. The context of information security (threats, attack scenarios) and the specifics of this context for civil avionics are established. Revealed significant heterogeneity and multidimensional infrastructure on-Board wireless sensor network, the expediency of bringing complex solutions to mobile networks fifth generation (5G) and software defined networking (SDN) to solve security issues onboard wireless sensor network.

Keywords: information security, avionics, wireless network, sensor network, software-defined networks.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17747/TEDS-2018-78-81
Harmonization of Critical Information Infrastructure Objects Threats
Andrey N. Petukhov, Pavel L. Pilyugin, Karina N. Pilyugina
Abstract. This paper discusses the issues of security threat modeling for critical information infrastructure facilities. An analysis is made of the applicability of various approaches to the construction of threat models highlighting the need for harmonization (ensuring internal compliance) of the main aspects of security, including threats. It justifies the expediency of using the "Common Criteria" methodology and SDL procedures for building harmonized threat models. The experience of using such an approach to create models of threats for software-defined networks and the protection profile of an SDN controller is discussed.

Keywords: information security, threat model, general criteria, protection profile, software configurable networks.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17747/TEDS-2018-82-85
Asymptotic Enumeration of Binary Orthogonal Arrays
Konstantin N. Pankov
Abstract. Orthogonal arrays are basic combinatorial structures, which appear in various cryptographic applications designed to ensure information security in electronic financial services. Asymptotic estimates for the number of orthogonal arrays are proved in this paper.

Keywords: cryptography, authentication codes, orthogonal arrays, asymptotic enumeration.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17747/TEDS-2018-86-89
IT Students about Risks and Security of Industrial Internet of Things
Marina S. Chvanova, Alexey E. Popovich, Maria S. Anurieva, Anastasia V. Frolova, Karapet A. Alekyan, Dmitry A. Makarov
Abstract. The article provides a brief overview of the state and prospects of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) development in Russia and all over the world. Presents the results of survey of IT student youth to understand the problems of IIoT, its risks and security. The survey showed that the awareness of the youth audience about the risks and safety of IIoT is insufficient, and the competencies are largely intuitive. The content of training in this field is not systematically formed due to the novelty of the subject matter for Russia.

Keywords: IIoT, IoT, data security.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17747/TEDS-2018-90-93
The Research of Blockchain Technology for Data Protection in IoT Devices
Mikhail G. Gorodnichev, Stanislav S. Makhrov, Elena N. Denisova, Ilya D. Buldin
Abstract. The article presents a study aimed at determining an effective security model based on blockchain technology for IoT devices. It is completed a modification of the key features of the classical blockchain used for cryptocurrencies for adaptation to work in the network from the devices of the Internet of things, which requires minimal reaction time to the execution of control commands and knew the redemption of energy resources.

Keywords: blockchain, very careful registry, Internet of Things, data protection, information security.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17747/TEDS-2018-94-97
Classification of encrypted Applications of Traffic Mobile Devices using the Data Mining
Oleg I. Sheluhin, Viacheslav V. Barkov, Mikhail V. Polkovnikov
Abstract. The problem of determining by a cellular operator what applications a particular network user has used is needed to compile statistics of the most frequently used applications. Such a definition of application statistics helps to not only monitor network status, detect failures, but also, if necessary, restrict access to network resources that, from the point of view of information security, can harm the user. The introduction of methods of data mining and machine learning allows to perform automatic classification, analysis and filtering of malicious and unwanted mobile network traffic applications. Malicious mobile applications can be a threat to the integrity or availability of data, and unwanted ones are a threat to confidentiality. The paper considers classification of network encrypted traffic by application types: email of Mail.ru, Sberbank, Skype, Pikabu, Instagram, Hearthstone and other methods of machine learning using algorithms Naive Bayes, C4.5, SVM, AdaBoost and Random Forest. For the analysis, more than two million network packets were collected from four applications that transmitted encrypted traffic, after which training and test samples were generated. To assess the quality of the qualifier, such criteria as Accuracy, Precision, Recall, F-Measure and Area Under Curve were used.
The use of the InfoGain algorithm showed that to ensure the high quality of classification of traffic of applications that use encryption, it is enough to limit thirteen attributes. Classifier Random Forest is the slowest, but has the best indicators of assessing the quality of classification. The size of the learning sample of the Random Fores algorithm to achieve a sufficiently high quality of classification of mobile applications cannot exceed 300 threads. To ensure high quality thread classification, it is enough to analyze from 16 to 58 packets in a stream depending on the application. Further increase in the number of packets in the stream does not lead to a noticeable improvement in the quality of classification.

Keywords: classification, machine learning, algorithms, network traffic, application, packet, flow, protocol, network, mobile applications efficiency.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17747/TEDS-2018-98-101
The Blockchain Technology in State Institutions
Yakov M. Dalinger, Evgeny A. Saksonov
Abstract. The problems of building a distributed registry (blockchain) for state institutions are considered. The main tasks, the solution of which is necessary when creating the registry, are highlighted. The model of formation of registry blocks is given.
Results can be useful to designers and administrators of the state institutions distributed registry .

Keywords: blockchain, distributed registry, mathematical model, state institution.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17747/TEDS-2018-102-105
Digital Economy & е-Business
Features of Joint Value Creation in the Context of Digitalization
Еlena А. Davydenko
Abstract. In the context of digitalization, the role of the consumer in value creation is also changing. While companies have previously minimised the involvement of consumers in the creation of products, it is now common for consumers to be involved in the value creation process. At the same time, the process of involvement can be both direct and indirect, for example, through the interaction of consumers with each other and brands in online communities, which gives valuable information to the business for building and adjusting advertising strategies and offering value to customers.
Keywords: digitalization, digital economy, value, brand, consumer.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17747/TEDS-2018-130-131

Web-Environment Supervision as a New Form of Internet Socialization
Marina S. Chvanova, Ekaterina D. Saushkina, Maria S. Anurieva, Alexey V. Samokhvalov, Anatoly A. Molchanov
Abstract. The article considers the issues of Internet-socialization of computer science students as a part of their interaction with professional community on current problems of the subject field that are in constant transformation. Results of innovation course "Information Reengineering" design, based on informational and educational system modeling, are presented in the article.

Keywords: information reengineering, Internet socialization.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17747/TEDS-2018-115-118
The Application of Generational Theory to Digital Content Management
Irina V. Katunina & Valeria E. Kashtanova
Abstract. Despite the spread of the generational theory concepts in marketing and management, there is very little empirical research in the field. The study is aimed to investigate whether it is possible to apply the generational perspective to manage digital content. The authors revealed on the base of two experiments that the differences in values, preferences and behavior of Gen X and Gen Y reflect in their reaction on digital content.

Keywords: digital content; content management; generational theory; experiment; digital marketing.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17747/TEDS-2018-106-110
The Role of Professional Labor Migration in Developing an Effective Knowledge Management System in High-Technological Organization
Karina V. Sayapina
Abstract. The paper is devoted to search of instrument, based on labor migration aspect and consequent cross-cultural peculiarities, for building an effective knowledge management system in high-tech company. The instrument is approved by case study method in large international high-tech corporations.

Keywords: knowledge management; cross-cultural factors, high-tech organization; labor migration.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17747/TEDS-2018-111-114
The Ecosystem for Online Entrepreneurship Teaching
Natalya F. Altukhova, Elena V. Vasilieva
Abstract. The authors voice the problems of teaching students technological entrepreneurship. The authors also highlight the basic requirements for the competencies of the head, that today must have knowledge in the professional and technical field, be able to think globally and have a wide managerial outlook and experience to have the gift of foresight and work ahead of the curve, translating the strategy of the organization into a new quality. The key participants in the process of training specialists whose competencies can be in demand in the digital world are identified. Recommendations for improving the effectiveness of the learning process are given. An important advantage of the approach to teaching the course "Internet entrepreneurship" is the integration of Lean Startup methodology and Design thinking. The authors developed cases and practical recommendations for the creation of digital services based on the Human-Centered Design.

IT education, personnel training, technological entrepreneurship, digital markets, design thinking.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17747/TEDS-2018-119-121
Research on the Application of Neuromarketing Technologies on Financial Markets
Svetlana V. Karpova, Ilya V. Rozhkov
Abstract. The change in marketing paradigms, which occurs under the influence of the rapid development of information technologies and new forms of communication, requires the search for more objective methods of consumer research. Neuroeconomics and neuromarketing as its applied branch allow to study psychophysical states of a person in the process of consumer choice. The article attempts to identify the most promising areas of application of neuromarketing technologies. The review of the most significant directions in Russia and abroad is carried out. Possible prospective directions for the development of neuromarketing research on the financial market are identified: machine learning, social scoring, artificial neural networks.

Keywords: neuroeconomics, neuromarketing, machine learning, social scoring, artificial intelligence.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17747/TEDS-2018-126-129
Russian Digital Economy: State and Development Prospects
Natalya L. Udaltsova
Abstract. This scientific article covers the conceptual framework of digital economy and the influence thereof on the development of world economic processes, and investigates the efficiency of digitalization process development in Russia and in some other countries. According to estimates of consulting companies, the digitalization of the Russian economy has a potential effect of 4.1–8.9 trillion roubles for GDP, which will amount to approximately 19–34% of the total increase of GDP by 2025. Russia has all necessary prerequisites for the achievement of the digital potential. In order to achieve this, first of all, it is necessary to determine the technological focus and to concentrate investment opportunities on the goals set, to develop the innovation culture in all possible ways on the model of the country's digital companies. Another important task that requires a timely solution will be the education area and training of specialists. It is obvious that the digitalization will lead to emergence of new professions and obsolescence of some existing professions.

Keywords: digital economy, Industry 4.0, information and telecommunication technologies.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17747/TEDS-2018-122-125
AI and Machine Learning Business Applications
System of Evaluation of Intellectual Capital and Intangible Assets Created on the Basis of Intellectual Property
Niyaz M. Abdikeev
Abstract. The article discusses the evaluation of the value of intellectual capital and intangible assets of the organization. Intellectual capital includes all the knowledge of the organization. These are different types of knowledge, innovations, know-how, knowledge possessed by the employees of the organization, the knowledge base of the organization, the electronic network and the database based on it, this cooperation with customers.All of that allows you to respond to changes in the market situation faster than competitors. That is, intellectual capital is a set of explicit and implicit knowledge. The main thing is that this is the knowledge that the organization can turn into profit. Intellectual capital is the result of the interaction of people with each other, people and information resources, as well as people and elements of physical capital in the production process. It is the result of past investments, but it is forward-looking. The assessment of intellectual capital is formed on the basis of the results of its future use.

intellectual capital; intangible assets; intellectual property; valuation; innovation; new technologies.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17747/TEDS-2018-135-140
Passenger Traffic Forecasting for New Urban Railways in Moscow
Dmitry Namiot, Oleg Pokusaev, Alexander Chekmarev
Abstract. This article is devoted to the description of the forecasting model of passenger traffic of new urban rail lines. It is a question of new through railway routes, which will be organized in Moscow. They will pass through the city, connecting together the stations located in the suburbs. The schedule of such trains, comfort, and pricing policy will undoubtedly make them a popular transportation tool that will compete with the Moscow metro. This popularity will result in an increase in passenger traffic on existing fragments of these railway lines, the assessment of which is the task considered in this article. The article looks at the existing methods of measuring passenger traffic, and suggests a model for assessing its possible change.

time series; traffic forecast; digital urbanism.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17747/TEDS-2018-141-145
Artificial Intelligence as a Challenge for Industries, Economy and Society
Irina V. Alyoshina
Abstract. Artificial Intelligence changes the global landscape of technological development and wellbeing and challenges national economies and societies with hardly predictable threats.

artificial intelligence, globalization, e-platform, neural network, algorithm, digitization.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17747/TEDS-2018-132-134
Industrial IoT: Risks & Information Security
Design and Development of the Module to Control the Quadcopter using the Signs shown by Hands
Alex A. Ezhov, Vjacheslav I. Voronov
Abstract. With the development of the industrial Internet of things (IIoT) there is a huge number of tasks that require the use of intelligent methods of information processing. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are a class of IIoT devices that require computer vision to solve piloting tasks and provide the necessary functionality. The article describes the development of a module to control the quadcopter using gestures depicted by hands. The solution of this problem is very important to expand the methods of control actions.

Keywords: IIoT, tensorflow, quadcopter, robot, neural network.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17747/TEDS-2018-4-9
Anomaly Detection by Machine Learning Method based on the Gaussian Distribution
Alexander S. Gusev, Vladimir N. Repinskiy
Abstract. The article deals with the problem of using machine learning in detecting anomalies during the operation of IIoT objects, describes method of learning based on the Gaussian distribution, and implements the program that allows finding anomalies in data set.

Keywords: IIoT, detecting anomalies, the Gaussian distribution, machine learning program.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17747/TEDS-2018-10-13
Application of Neural Networks for Object Recognition in Video Surveillance Systems of Industrial IoT
Andrew M. Tolkachev, Natalia V. Toutova
Abstract. In this paper the use of neural networks for object recognition in video surveillance systems of the industrial Internet of things is discussed, as well as a comparison of two types of neural networks: a perceptron and a convolutional neural network with regard to the problem of automatic recognition of the queue of people in a supermarket or a bank. The principle of operation of neural networks, their structure and realization are described. Two types of neural network are compared. It is shown that the convolutional neural network surpasses the perceptron in recognition accuracy and it is expedient to use it in the automatic queue recognition system.

Keywords: neural network, recognition, live queue, perceptron, video surveillance systems.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17747/TEDS-2018-14-17

Real-Time Recognition System of Sign Language in the Industrial Internet of Things
Artem A. Goncharenko, Lilia I. Voronova
Abstract. Industrial Internet of Things implies the concept of combining all electronic devices into a single network in an industrial enterprise, where each device can communicate with each other. The task of people in such an enterprise is to control automatic systems. In addition, enterprises of increased complexity will always need people. The article describes the process of preparing and partially implementation sign language translation in real time that can be embedded in an enterprise. The choice of architecture, recognition methods and programming languages used to create the system is considered. The system was decomposed into functional subsystems.

Keywords: IoT, recognition systems, sign language, real-time systems, API interface, Industrial Internet of Things.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17747/TEDS-2018-18-21
Analysis of Work of YOLO v.3 AND YOLO v.2 Neural Networks
Dmitriy P. Ayrapetov, Boris Y. Buyanov
Abstract. Currently, in the framework of industrial use for solving problems related to the safety of production, widely used computer vision systems, which, as a rule, use neural networks. The article represents an example of settings and operation within the software and hardware complexes of DarkNet Yolo V3 and V2 neural networks, providing the ability to quickly recognize objects. This is critical for making decisions automatically.

Keywords: neural networks, object recognition, machine learning, mathematical calculations, industrial Internet of Things.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17747/TEDS-2018-22-25
Design of a Program Complex Architecture for Equipment Control Using Gestures
Mikhail D. Artemov, Lilia I. Voronova
Abstract. Industrial Internet of Things technologies is widely distributed. Smart cities, factories, shops, house assume using intelligent methods of data processing providing by a sensors. In particular, smart enterprise control is possible by through of gestures and is interesting and perspective task. In the article briefly reviewed methodology of gesture and action recognition by image sequences and proposed neural network architecture for gesture recognition and smart enterprise control.

Keywords: gesture recognition, Mask R-CNN, CNN, 3D CNN, LSTM.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17747/TEDS-2018-26-29
Real-Time Object Classification on Aircraft Board using Raspberry Pi 3
Nikita V. Belov, Boris Y. Buyanov, Vera A. Verba
Abstract. The approach to solving the problem of classification of objects in real time and its application on an unmanned aerial vehicle are investigated. When implementing this system, a Raspberry pi 3 microcomputer with a video camera connected to it, as well as an artificial neural network of the Fast Yolo architecture is used.

Keywords: unmanned aerial vehicle; hexacopter, artificial neural network; Fast YOLO v2; Raspberry pi 3.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17747/TEDS-2018-30-34
IIoT Competencies Support in the Master's Program "Аutomation of technological Processes and Production"
Vasilij A. Usachev, Vjacheslav I. Voronov
Abstract. The department of ISCA MTUCI is training specialists to manage industrial Internet of things systems, based on a number of disciplines that form students' competences for working with IIoT systems. The article discusses the features of teaching one of these disciplines "Intellectual databases and data warehouses" using the freely distributed software DBMS Hadoop.

Keywords: Industrial Internet of Things, Big Data, Hadoop.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17747/TEDS-2018-35-39
Specialists' Training of in Industrial Internet of Things Systems Development
Danil N. Bezumnov, Lilia I. Voronova
Abstract. Training of qualified industrial Internet of Things systems developers is a key factor in the implementation of the program "Digital economy of the Russian Federation". In this paper the concepts "Internet of Things" and "industrial Internet of things" are compared. Competences of technical specialist in the development of Internet of things systems are defined. Experience of the Department of Intelligent control systems and automation (MTUCI) in training bachelors and masters in "Automation of technological processes and production" и "Management in technical systems". Laboratory workshops is aimed at providing the students with competences of the developers of It-systems are described.

Keywords. Internet of things, industrial Internet of things, digital economy, MTUCI, education.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17747/TEDS-2018-40-43
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